Wednesday 22 June 2022

How can I save money and the planet by harvesting waste energy? [Answered]

How can I save money and the planet by harvesting waste energy? [Answered]

A picture of some solar panels

No solar panels, no problem!

Companies like Tesla and NiteSave have devices like a power wall and solar systems. These require you to own your own home and shell out many thousands of pounds up front.
This article shows you how to setup a power wall like device using simple components. Not only will you be able to utilise waste energy, but you will also be able to save money without having to buy solar panels.

Disclaimer: Affiliate links to Amazon generate a comission for the author who shares their knowledge freely for the benefit of all and the planet.

How this all works below.

Advantages of building your own NiteSave energy harvester.

  • No need for solar panels - everyone can do this, even renters.
  • Harvests waste energy - reduce your reliance on fossil fuels
  • No more fossil fuels - reduce your reliance on Russian energy
  • Be energy independent - reduce your bills
  • Do it yourself - feel empowered and in control of your energy bills
You can attend a course to learn how to put this together or follow the instructions below. Contact details for Mark Hopgood who runs the NiteSave course below.

Step 1: Purchase the components
The NiteSave energy saving solution uses 4 components. They are each consumer devices and can be connected without the need for electrical certification.

Parts you will need

A timer
Arguably the most important component. Timing when your battery is charged is paramount. You can charge your battery at night when nuclear energy is being wasted by the energy companies and you can also harvest energy when it is sunny ( more on this later ) .
Purchase a simple mechanical timer here:

A battery
Make it practical - your battery should have the following features:
Powerful, Lightweight, BMS, 12Volt Socket, charger.
Here's my favourite one:

An inverter
This component converts energy stored in the battery back into mains power.
Here's one that is easy to connect to your battery:

Now that we have all the components, we can start saving using the following daily cycle:

1. Charge your battery from the mains electricity (grid) when energy is at low demand ( wasted) - usually at night.

2. Run your appliances ( laptop / phone etc. ) from the battery during the day, reducing demand on the grid ( reducing need for fossil fuels )


Step 2: Connect the components
The NiteSave energy saving solution parts can be connected without the need for electrical certification. Here's how to connect everything.

1. Connect the inverter to the battery using the 12v ( car cigarette lighter ) connector 

2.  Connect the battery to the charger 

3. Plug the charger into the  timer

4. Plug the timer into the wall socket
 Step 3: Set the timer
Depending on your location and time of year, you may have additional time zones to set your timer to. Join our discord server to find out more and to get updates.

Step 4: Optional - get a discount on your electricity
Not all energy providers give you a discount for running NiteSave. Join our discord server to get a list of energy providers that will offer you a special tariff.

How this all works

This article is about harvesting energy that would otherwise be wasted. Using a battery, an inverter and a charger, you can save money and collect wasted energy. Saving money and the planet in one fell swoop. In UK and France nuclear power is part of the electricity grid. The problem with nuclear power is that you can't switch off the fuel which is made of radioactive material. Radioactive or fissile material doesn't stop giving off energy, so when there is less demand for energy in the grid, energy is sent to waste. We can use that waste energy to power our lives. This guide shows you how. Why also consider charging when it is sunny? In the UK, the National Grid ( electricity ) is supplied by renewables as well. Wind and solar aren't always available. However a free app is available to show you when to set your timer.

Join the discord server for more info at

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