Monday, 26 February 2024

Is McDonalds the biggest cow killing organisation and other thoughts

 Recently have been exploring what it means to have a mammalian brain and this let me to thinking about eating animals.

Here are some questions I was flinging around.

Is it better to eat a bird rather than a mammal?

Is McDonalds the biggest cow killing organisation in the world? Do they have McDonalds in India where the cow is sacred? I know from my work in Kuwait that they have a different menu there.

Is KFC the biggest chicken killing organisation in the world.

Sunday, 25 February 2024

How to format a 720KB Double Density Floppy Disk - WINDOWS 10 - 2024

" The 720k is what’s known as a double density diskette, or DD for short. It’s called that because it can encode roughly twice the as many bits per time unit compared to single density. The way it accomplishes this is through a line coding scheme called Modified Frequency Modulation or MFM for short." Bing Search

It's 2024 and I've decided to format floppy disks - especially as I have a Roland W-30 Sampler and Roland MC500 midi sequencer that uses them.

Is you have the correct USB floppy drive ( older the better) then you can issue the following commands...

FORMAT A: /T:80 /N:9 

C:\Windows\system32>format a: /t:80 /n:9
Insert new disk for drive A:
and press ENTER when ready...

The type of the file system is RAW.
The new file system is FAT.
Verifying 720 KB
Invalid media or Track 0 bad - disk unusable.
Format failed.

FORMAT A: /F:720

C:\Windows\system32>format a: /t:80 /n:9
Insert new disk for drive A:
and press ENTER when ready...

The type of the file system is RAW.
The new file system is FAT.
Verifying 720 KB
Invalid media or Track 0 bad - disk unusable.

Format failed. 

OK the above was with a bad floppy - I wish I knew if it was possible to fix.
However with the right combination of drive and floppy you get..

C:\Windows\system32>FORMAT A: /F:720
Insert new disk for drive A:
and press ENTER when ready...
The type of the file system is RAW.
The new file system is FAT.
Verifying 720 KB
18 percent completed.
99 percent completed.
Initializing the File Allocation Table (FAT)...
Volume label (11 characters, ENTER for none)? LIVE
Format complete.
     713.0 KB total disk space.
       62,464 bytes in bad sectors.
     652.0 KB are available.

        1,024 bytes in each allocation unit.
          652 allocation units available on disk.

           12 bits in each FAT entry.

Volume Serial Number is 8ED3-5ABF

Format another (Y/N)?

So yes format 720KB floppy works in windows 10.

Friday, 19 January 2024

mapping a drive to a folder in windows 10 / 11 [ANSWERED]

In windows a simple command will allow you to map a folder to a drive letter. 

I use this for portable apps. I like to sync my portable apps folder, so I use the 

following from command prompt

 Subst P: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Portable

Then I install to p:


Tuesday, 12 December 2023

[ANSWERED] - How to reduce WinSxS folder and save space on your hard drive

Issue the following comand..

 dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /AnalyzeComponentStore

a cleanup may be recommended. If not, your winSxS doesn't need to be compacted.

[ANSWERED] - how to remove windows update files ( and save 800MB ) on your hard disk

Here's how I saved 800MB storage by removing windows update files

start with 
net stop wuauserv


rd /S /Q C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution


rd /S /Q C:\$WINDOWS.~BT

then start update service again

net start wuauserv

The folder size before

The folder size after

so you can see I saved 800MB with this

Tuesday, 29 August 2023

SamplerBox Grand Piano patch errors - Raspberry Pi 2 Model B (V1.1 2014)

An answer to

 I'm also using RPi V1.1 Model B

I can confirm the Grand Piano doesn't work ( 3 Grand Piano )

However I have 4 Lately and this works.

It takes a while to load and then there is a crash sound ( like all notes playing at once )

then it works. 

I get a lot of "Callback queing killed" when I press a key on the keyboard.

Also when I make 0 GrandPiano I get the following errors.

We have None, we want 0 GrandPiano

A0v4.wav: ignored sample as velocity 40 higher than velolevs 1 for voice 1

A1v4.wav: ignored sample as velocity 40 higher than velolevs 1 for voice 1

A2v4.wav: ignored sample as velocity 40 higher than velolevs 1 for voice 1

A3v4.wav: ignored sample as velocity 40 higher than velolevs 1 for voice 1

A4v4.wav: ignored sample as velocity 40 higher than velolevs 1 for voice 1

A5v4.wav: ignored sample as velocity 40 higher than velolevs 1 for voice 1

A6v4.wav: ignored sample as velocity 40 higher than velolevs 1 for voice 1

A7v4.wav: ignored sample as velocity 40 higher than velolevs 1 for voice 1

C1v4.wav: ignored sample as velocity 40 higher than velolevs 1 for voice 1

C2v4.wav: ignored sample as velocity 40 higher than velolevs 1 for voice 1

C3v4.wav: ignored sample as velocity 40 higher than velolevs 1 for voice 1

C4v4.wav: ignored sample as velocity 40 higher than velolevs 1 for voice 1

C5v4.wav: ignored sample as velocity 40 higher than velolevs 1 for voice 1

C6v4.wav: ignored sample as velocity 40 higher than velolevs 1 for voice 1

C7v4.wav: ignored sample as velocity 40 higher than velolevs 1 for voice 1

C8v4.wav: ignored sample as velocity 40 higher than velolevs 1 for voice 1

D#1v4.wav: ignored sample as velocity 40 higher than velolevs 1 for voice 1

D#2v4.wav: ignored sample as velocity 40 higher than velolevs 1 for voice 1

D#3v4.wav: ignored sample as velocity 40 higher than velolevs 1 for voice 1

Opened input "Midi Through:Midi Through Port-0 14:0" as SMFplayer

D#4v4.wav: ignored sample as velocity 40 higher than velolevs 1 for voice 1

Opened input "Axiom 25:Axiom 25 MIDI 1 20:0"

D#5v4.wav: ignored sample as velocity 40 higher than velolevs 1 for voice 1

Opened input "Axiom 25:Axiom 25 MIDI 2 20:1"

D#6v4.wav: ignored sample as velocity 40 higher than velolevs 1 for voice 1

Opened input "Axiom 25:Axiom 25 MIDI 3 20:2"

Exception in thread Thread-3:

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/", line 917, in _bootstrap_inner

  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/", line 865, in run

    self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)

  File "./modules/", line 212, in HTTP_Server

    httpd = server_class(server_address, handler_class)

  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/", line 452, in __init__


  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/http/", line 137, in server_bind


  File "/usr/lib/python3.7/", line 466, in server_bind


OSError: [Errno 98] Address already in use

D#7v4.wav: ignored sample as velocity 40 higher than velolevs 1 for voice 1

F#1v4.wav: ignored sample as velocity 40 higher than velolevs 1 for voice 1


F#7v16.wav: ignored sample as velocity 115 higher than velolevs 1 for voice 1

Preset empty: 0

Friday, 21 July 2023

Is this the ultimate Ableton Live Controller for live performance

Mairk (musician, performer, songwriter, coder and inventor ) has just released the ultimate Ableton Live controller for musicians wanting to trigger audio tracks in a live context.

What I was finding that many controllers / Ableton Live solutions to performing live lacked the ability to stop a clip. Currently the only way to stop a clip immediately is to disable the clip by pressing zero on the keyboard. The only device I could find that does this is the AKAI MPD226 where you can set a button to be a windows key press (0)

So, I decided to make my own and this would allow me to trigger a clip and stop it if I needed to immediately. The only reason in my view to stop a clip is if you have accidentally started one. Critical!

NiteSave Live - the name of Mairk's device allows you to trigger up to 16 clips and stop them immediately if needed.

How it works.


Using the supplied template, drag the audio files you want to launch onto the grid.
Using Key assignments, set Ableton to respond to the following keys for each clip..


These correspond to the 16 keys on NiteSave Live.


With Ableton live in focus on your desktop, press the corresponding key on NiteSave Live. 
First press will start the clip. If you press the same key again it will stop the clip immediately.

contact for more info.
