I started out feeling very stressed because I realised that each day I was running out of time. I needed a way of closing the loop on ideas and tasks. I invented the time machine Organiser which assigns a colour to each part of the day and a row to each day. You simply type in where and when you want to achieve something and then relax. Your mind fills in the blanks while you relax. Even while sleeping I find my subconscious helps me to plan. This is why I have called it the timeachine organiser.
Best thing it's free for you to use. You can book mark it on your phone / desktop and everything is stored locally so you will have your lifeplan handy, even if you are in the lake district where there is little or no signal.
The image above is of how I used my TMO to plan events when on my holiday in Lake District. Here is the website link for your free personalised version.