It would be great to say "one simple pill" would be a cure. It is not. However there is a significant factor. Here I present recent information I received that is backed up by observation of data and a way to eliminate one factor.
Here's the TLDR ( too long didn't read ) summary.
All detail is provided below.
1. The information
Firstly the information relating specifically to this disease was published in nature website recently. It relates to the Autumn 2020 surge and a main contributing factor.
2. The observation
There is a direct correlation between a drop in amount of UVB exposure and this happens when the sun is low in the sky.
3. The conclusion
When the UVB exposure drops below a certain level, we are at a significant increased risk of getting Covid. Why? Because UVB exposure allows our bodies to create vitamin D but only at certain times of the year. Unless you live around the equator.
Here's the info you need..
Nature article
Where to buy vitamin D3
Images from the nature article
Where to buy vitamin D3