Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Best Present Ever ( over 10s only ) - Pass It On (share, like etc.)

Here goes....



Here's the basket items

1. AAA Batteries

2. Magnets

3. Unplated copper wire

4. Wooden Dowel for making the coil

Wednesday, 1 November 2017

[answered] how do i decide on a secure password? Pass! Google Chrome Extension

Since Adobe and Tesco were hacked it became apparent that there was a problem with the way people use passwords.

The top 10 passwords chosen by everyday people


1. names of pets
2. names of kids
3. sequences like 123456, 123
4. common passwords like letmein

Here's a formal list from the adobe hack. Recognise yours in there?

The Adobe Top 20 Passwords

  1. 123456
  2. 123456789
  3. password
  4. adobe123
  5. 12345678
  6. qwerty
  7. 1234567
  8. 111111
  9. photoshop
  10. 123123
  11. 1234567890
  12. 000000
  13. abc123
  14. 1234
  15. adobe1
  16. macromedia
  17. azerty
  18. iloveyou
  19. aaaaaa
  20. 654321

It's likely that the tesco list would read like this

  1. 123456
  2. 123456789
  3. password
  4. tesco123
  5. 12345678
  6. qwerty
  7. 1234567
  8. 111111
  9. tescoes
  10. 123123
  11. 1234567890
  12. 000000
  13. abc123
  14. 1234
  15. tesco1
  16. tesco
  17. azerty
  18. iloveyou
  19. aaaaaa
  20. 654321
You seeing a pattern here?

Anyway the solution to this is to generate a password that even a computer couldn't guess.

If you use google chrome theres an extension called Pass! which will generate a password for you using your email address and PIN - here's the link

This will generate a password for popular accounts that you can use and it looks like this...
( 32 characters )

As long as you can remember your email and a PIN, the Pass! extension will generate and remind you. There's no need to remember passwords from now on.

Here's how to install..

1. visit the link
2. click add to chrome
3. click add extension
4. click the icon
5. enter your details and click generate button
6. your passwords are displayed - click the icon again to hide them

If your website is not listed, contact us to add it, or use the Gerneric Password.

Feel happy, be secure, download the extension now...

Friday, 13 October 2017

[answered] Salesforce Notifications at the desktop level? Lightning Experience (LEX)

One omission in the world of SalesForce lighning has been the popup notification. In salesforce classic, notifications are available, but not in Lightning.

So, the guys at iNumberz put together a notification plugin for chrome browser that delivers notification at the desktop level.

Notify! showing at the desktop level.

Clicking the popup takes you to the calendar entry in salesforce - i.e. the event that triggered the popup.

The plugin works for mac and windows.

Find out more and request a trial / demo at!

Friday, 25 August 2017

How to make a facebook link show the image you want.

Here's a dilemma, you want to post info about your company, business etc. on facebook.
However you don't know what the image will look like etc.

Here's how we made it happen...

Firstly Facebook likes you to put tags in a link. This means that you can control how a link is displayed.

1, which text is used for the subject
2. which links
3. which description text
4. which image to use

Here's an example from

A screen shot showing the effect of using Facebook tags on a link.

The tags to use are

<!-- image -->
<meta property="og:image" content="" />
<!-- link title -->
<meta property="og:title" content="Woman finds long-lost diamond ring on carrot in garden" />
<!-- link description -->
<meta property="og:description" content="A Canadian woman got an extra carrot with her diamond ring when it was found in her vegetable patch 13 years after she lost it. This is not the first time someone has found a diamond ring on a carrot. In 2011, a Swedish woman found her wedding ring 16 years after she lost it. More details and picture here.." />
<!-- link URL -->
<meta property="og:url" content="" />
<!-- link provided by - contact me to customise your links or web page -->

Feel free to use the above code.
There is also a free tool from facebook to check what a link will look like in advance.

Feel free to contact me via

or email m

Thursday, 8 June 2017

How to see cookies stored for a website, e.g. facebook

With the increase in ransomeware incidents, people are becoming more interested in and focused on security.

As a result, we present a method for showing what information is being tracked by web browsers and sites such as facebook that you visit.

Web browsers store and send information in chunks called cookies. These cookies store unique information about your activity on a website, but it's not always personal info. In order to see what information is being stored on behalf of a website, the following procedure can be followed.

1. go to the website you wish to check cookies on.

2. press F12 or right click and choose inspect ( both of these work in chrome)

3. click console

4. paste the following code into the console...

var theCookies = document.cookie.split(';');
for (var i = 0 ; i < theCookies.length; i++)   console.log ( (i+1) + ' ' + theCookies[i] );

The following type of output is generated:

1 TL=-                                                                                      VM20584:2
2 BLOGGER_EPRIVACY=y                                                  VM20584:2
3 preferredOpenIDProvider=openid                                        VM20584:2
4 SID=ZATpDip9ARftiKoy1vCjWW862rdJq8YDw.             VM20584:2
5 APISID=eP3x16b2KODr4CpU/A34TCD8FSssoJAgMw    VM20584:2
6 SAPISID=viWf88-vk25xl_-R/AhhR7P_EFJbNdX09d        VM20584:2
7 _ga=GA1.2.776065685.1476177244                                    VM20584:2
8 _gid=GA1.2.585868064.1496912034                                   VM20584:2

from the above I can see that there are 8 cookies at this site

heres how to tell what is going on here, e.g.

7 _ga=GA1.2.776065685.1476177244                                    VM20584:2

cookie number 7 for this site is named _ga with the value GA1.2.776065685.1476177244
the code that printed this was on the second line of code and the temporary number given to this session by google chrome is VM20584

_ga represents google analytics, so in this case the site is using google analytics code to track my movement.

As you can see from the report there is no personal information stored here. My identity is safe from other users of this PC!

Monday, 8 May 2017

Alexa, what if my daughter is called Alexa? How to change it.

As I've seen many adverts for the Amazon Echo speaker device, and I have a friend who's name is Alexa, I wondered what could be done to stop the Echo / dot from responding everytime someone speaks to my Alexa, or at least calling her name.

A quick look on the internet revealed that you can't change the Echo / dot's name, but you can change the call sign or watch word.

Here are the available options and how to change it.


Home, Settings, Alexa Devices, "Wake Word"

or from the app

  • Tap the Alexa icon to begin.
  • On the Home screen, tap the “hamburger menu” icon in the upper left-hand corner of the app’s screen.
  • Tap “Settings” from the menu that appears.
  • On the Settings screen, tap the device you wish to change the wake word on.
  • On the next screen, scroll down until You find the “Wake Word” menu option. Tap it.
  • Tap the pull-down menu to display the available wake words for your device. At the time of this article, the available choices are Alexa, Amazon, Echo, and Computer.
  • Tap the “SAVE” button to save your selection.
  • The app will tell you when your changes have been saved.
  • Use your new wake word to wake up Alexa on your Amazon device.

Options for name include  Alexa, Computer, Amazon, Echo and Computer.

Thursday, 6 April 2017

how to automate capture leads in salesforce [ partial answer, but the closest you'll get ]

Here was my dilemma, the need to automate the submission of a SalesForce web to lead form.
Seems simple  right ? But this is for a well known national brand with a highly precious design team.

There were 2 sorts of official answer out there including the salesforce forums.

1. just use the salesforce web to lead form html and restyle it
2. it cant be done - script automation / security errors

Here's the reason why salesforce doesn't want you to automate the submission of the form using javascript - hackability! Basically nasty values can be sent through javascript and denial of service attacks / cracking attacks can happen. Your innocent website could be used by someone to inject and spoil your precious salesforce org.

OK, so given the impossibility factor, I took on the challenge and built the code on my server to act as a gateway. This way I can now send a lead to salesforce using javascript without the need for any design changes or costly use of SalesForce API. My gateway service can also translate values from the website to SalesForce.

Here's how the salesforce lead gateway works

SalesForce Lead Gateway - Javascript and PHP
SalesForce Lead Gateway

So, now the leads come through without having to modify any of the original website
contact to do this on your website.

Thursday, 30 March 2017

Windows 10 - how to reduce size of Datastore.edb example script and screenshots

Windows 10 - how to reduce size of Datastore.edb

ANSWER: defrag the database using esentutl.exe

Here's what I did

open up cmd as administrator
(click windows start and type cmd, right click command prompt and choose run as administrator)

Then in commmand prompt, which should already be at C:\Windows\system32>

esentutl /d C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\DataStore\DataStore.edb

Here's the output from the program

C:\WINDOWS\system32>esentutl /d C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\DataStore\DataStore.edb

Extensible Storage Engine Utilities for Microsoft(R) Windows(R)
Version 10.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

Initiating DEFRAGMENTATION mode...
            Database: C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\DataStore\DataStore.edb

                  Defragmentation Status (% complete)

          0    10   20   30   40   50   60   70   80   90  100

Moving '.\TEMPDFRG18068.EDB' to 'C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\DataStore\DataStore.edb'... DONE!

Moving '.\TEMPDFRG18068.jfm' to 'C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\DataStore\DataStore.jfm'... DONE!

  It is recommended that you immediately perform a full backup
  of this database. If you restore a backup made before the
  defragmentation, the database will be rolled back to the state
  it was in at the time of that backup.

Operation completed successfully in 10.797 seconds.


Now i have an extra 1024MB free - makes the difference on windows10!

Monday, 30 January 2017

how to create a floating draggable iframe ontop of a web page

As a business consultant working with websites and business systems I get asked to enhance existing sites on a regular basis.

Here's a challenge I was given. In a CRM system, I was asked to display a message if a lead was a potential duplicate.

The above was my prototype pop up showing BBC weather in an iframe.

You can add using the following html only...

#draggable-element {
  left: 100px;
  top: 50px;
  display: none;
  border-radius: 10px;
   box-shadow: 5px 5px 10px 2px #888888;
  xposition:relative; /* important (all position that's not `static`) */


<div id="draggable-element"></div>
myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest


var selected = null, // Object of the element to be moved
    x_pos = 0, y_pos = 0, // Stores x & y coordinates of the mouse pointer
    x_elem = 0, y_elem = 0; // Stores top, left values (edge) of the element

// Will be called when user starts dragging an element
function _drag_init(elem) {
    // Store the object of the element which needs to be moved
    selected = elem;
    x_elem = x_pos - selected.offsetLeft;
    y_elem = y_pos - selected.offsetTop;

// Will be called when user dragging an element
function _move_elem(e) {
    x_pos = document.all ? window.event.clientX : e.pageX;
    y_pos = document.all ? window.event.clientY : e.pageY;
    if (selected !== null) { = (x_pos - x_elem) + 'px'; = (y_pos - y_elem) + 'px';

// Destroy the object when we are done
function _destroy() {
    selected = null;

// Bind the functions...
document.getElementById('draggable-element').onmousedown = function () {
    return false;

//load in advance
document.getElementById('draggable-element').innerHTML = '<iframe  src="" scrolling="no" style="height: 240px; border: 0px none; width: 255px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 8px;">  </iframe>';

function showall(){
var myPop = document.getElementById('draggable-element'); = 'block';

setTimeout(function(){ showall(); }, 1000);

document.onmousemove = _move_elem;
document.onmouseup = _destroy;

============== BELOW IS THE CODE - view source to check =================

myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest myTest END