I have put all my thyroid post on one blog so if you have the time read on but it may send you to sleep
Old Gits Syndrome??? Or what 5th june 2007
that is Hi to anyone who finds this blog. The reason I write this is maybe to let people know of a journey that I have been on and am still experiencing. not travel or holidays It is a journey that is to do with my health and as I have since discovered is a journey that many people do not realise they have started and for many have gone further than I.
The health issue I speak of is Hypothyroidism commonly known as an under active Thyroid, Im sure that at this point many of you will move on as this is of no interest to you
[comma instead of full stop - this is common because the ',' key is next to the '.' key.]
why would it be you don?t have it .......Do you!!!!
[? instead of ' - again common because '?' is next to ' on the keyboard.]
Well just bear with me for a couple of moments are you or have you experienced any of the following combinations of these symptoms. Or does the profile fit with your husband or your wife? you know the person you are on the verge of leaving as they have been such a
[ no capitalisation - The first letter of the first word of a sentence should be a capital ]
miserable unpleasant git for so long now, the person who seems to have just given up and spends all day slumped in an arm chair with no enthusiasm for life. the person who, not that long back used to be fun and out going?, who used to think of the bedroom as a place to have fun rather than have 12 hours sleep?? well Mcduff read on.
Uncomfortably heavy during or since childhood
Quiet and shy child
Weight gain after first period, pregnancy, miscarriage, abortion, menopause or starvation diets
Low energy, fatigue, lethargy, need lots of sleep (8 hours or more) and slow to get going in the morning
Tendency to feel cold especially in hands and feet
Tendency to significant weight gain and difficulty in losing weight
Low blood pressure and heart rate and high cholesterol levels
Menopausal problems including severe cramping, early and late onset.
Low sex drive
Poor concentration and memory
Swollen eyelids, face, general water retention
Thinning and loss of hair
Tendency to low body temperature
Headaches (including migraines)
Infertility and impotence
Weak and brittle nails
Goitre ? enlarged, swollen and lumpy thyroid
Adult acne
Dry, coarse or thick skin
Nervousness, anxiety and panicky
Well if you have please read on.
My story is straight forward i am a typical bloke. As a young man I served in the army and then I became a commercial Diver diving both in and around the British coast. Then in 1987 I became a police officer and have remained one since.
I have as you can see an active sort of guy, as a police officer I have undertaken various roles around London and gained a wife and three kids and everything has been fine.
5 years ago my wife became unwell and has suffered from scoliosis and undergone various operations on her spine. Again most of this I took in my stride.
I was approaching 50, 3 young children and a disabled wife. Well of course I started to feel the strain I was what as a young man I would call suffering from "old git syndrome". I was slowing up I felt unwell, and at times I would feel very low and all the other symptoms of which I had most were to do with getting old!!!! .....weren?t they??? Little did I know that I was suffering from an under active thyroid and it was just getting worse.
Looking back a lot of things make sense now, the days that I would go out with the kids but come back early because I was puffed out, Falling asleep in front of the telly, turning up the heating. Pins and needles in my hands, gaining weight feeling fed up??, yes sir I was settling into the old git syndrome very well?..this was getting old? wasn't it!!!.
Well things just got worse until I just felt as if my body was just shutting down. I thought it could be the stress of the job, the kids, the wife, still someone mentioned diabetes and the fact that I smoked, well I gave up the smoking. Still felt like crap. I was forcing myself to do everything. In fact everything was just too much. Friends started to comment that I was looking ill. My kids were telling me that I was no fun. My wife moaned that I was always snapping at her and the kids.
Then I had routine cholesterol check done by the nurse. Well it was of the scale. It should have been something like 5 and mine was 10.6. I was called into see the doc who was concerned about my cholesterol and checked for diabetes seeing as I had mentioned it. Why not check straight away for the under active thyroid???? Well this complaint is seen in about 1 in every 50 woman and only in about 1 in every 1000 men so for the doc it was not the first thing that sprang to mind plus of course I had not told her that I was suffering from all these different symptoms?, after all it was only "Old git syndrome". This is how you were supposed to feel as you got older?, wasn't it!!???.
After all my brothers were always telling me about their aches and pains. So I must just be the wimp of the family.
Anyhow I did mention that I felt quite bad and some more blood was taken and sent off. Meanwhile I continued to go to work and had decided that if this is what happens as you get older well you can poke it.
By the time I went back to the doc for the result I was on my chin strap and she told me that I was suffering from a condition called Hypothyroidism commonly known as an under active Thyroid. And indeed it was quite bad; also that it had also affected my kidneys as the levels were so low.
The relief I felt when I realised that there was actually a reason for how I had been feeling was overwhelming and I hardly listened to what else she said all I knew is that I had to take some pills and I would get better.
So straight out of the surgery and into the pharmacy and hey presto I?ve got some pills. She had tried to sign me off sick, but hey what for, a couple of pills and I would be back to normal??...NOT.
When I got home I went on the net and looked up as much as I could about this complaint. I read how I would have to have my levels slowly brought back up over the coming months and how it would be gradual.
Surly not me I would be fine straight away so the next morning I dutifully took my
[ Surely means for certain, surly means rude or arrogant ]
medication, (50 micrograms of Levothyroxine) and off to work I went. (9 hours later) I was sat at a service station on my way home having had to rest as I felt so bad that I could not drive any further. Still once the drug kicks in. I should be just fine?,shouldnt I?.
I read more about the condition and the fact that I would have to take the medication for life but the upside was that I was one of the conditions that made you exempt from paying. Hmmmm maybe this is not so straight forward as I thought. Still big strong policeman like me ex squadie stroke Diver I would cope better that most?? surly.
At work I was more than happy to talk about how there was in fact something wrong with me and it wasn't just because I was a miserable old git, and as is always the case having never heard of the complaint before every other person seemed to know of a relative who had had it and was taking the same medicine. In fact one of the woman I had worked for years came up and told me that she had been diagnosed some years before and was fine now. And that taking the pills every day was no bother. Also the fact that she was only took about a year to get back to normal?? a year surly not. any day now the drug would kick in and I would be back to normal.
1 week later I am sat in the surgery I can hardly move as I have given up the will to live and I have never felt so poorly in my life. The doc takes one look and signs me off sick and tells me that if I don?t accept how poorly and run down I was I would end up in hospital and put myself at risk of a heart attack.
On the third day I actually felt a bit better and got up. I had accepted that I would have to take things easier and let things go by the way at home, I had to concentrate on my health. After another 2 weeks I had much improved and I just felt like crap rather that hoping life would end.
I went for my next blood test and a week later I saw the doc. Yep there had been an improvement and I was now to increase my medication?"great" said I, what do I take now 200 micrograms?..no way says she, I was to increase by only 50 micrograms and start taking 100 per day. Maybe in another 5 weeks would I be able to increase the dose again.
But doc surly a big strong ruffty tuffty copper like me could take more that???.she asked me if my children understood what a heart attack was and what that would do to dad?.I took the hint and again slapped myself back to reality. So I am plodding on with my 100 micrograms per day taken in the morning on an empty stomach. Taken with only water as milk could absorb some of the benefits?..Im learning.
My next stop apparently is to see a specialist just to double check things so that's my next move. I have stored up all my questions for the consultant and will share anything with you after I?ve been. I will keep this as a diary and let those who have any interest share my recovery.
In the mean time if you know of someone who has this ailment be kind to them as I know how ill the feel. And believe me they are not just being miserable sods suffering from the dreaded "old git syndrome".
Starting to Learn 27th June 2007
I am going to see the doc again next week for my results to the latest blood check however i have googled this thyroid bussiness to death and i will be going to her armed with a shed load of info to insure that she gives me the best treatment. for instance I have spoke to alot of people and read other blogs where people have been told that their levels were normal but they still felt like crap!!!!! well the next bit could be one of the reasons why, i have come to the conclusion that alot of GP need to be helped to understand this complaint and to treat the individual not follow the book.
As of early 2006, at most laboratories in the U.S., the official "normal" Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) blood test range runs from approximately .5 to 5.0.
Reference range is a critical component, and the validity of the entire TSH test as diagnostic tool depends on it. TSH reference range is what determines -- for the vast majority of physicians, who rely on blood tests almost exclusively -- whether or not thyroid disease is even diagnosed at all, much less treated, and when diagnosed, how it is treated.
A reference range is obtained by taking a large group of people in the population, measuring their TSH levels, and calculating a mean value. Supposedly, these people should be free of thyroid disease. What experts are now coming to understand, however, is that the upper TSH normal range has included people who actually have mild thyroid disease, and their higher TSH levels skewed the standard curve.
This understanding led to the recommendation in January 2003 by the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists that doctors "consider treatment for patients who test outside the boundaries of a narrower margin based on a target TSH level of 0.3 to 3.0
This was backed up by research done by the National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry, part of the Academy of the American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC), and presented in their Laboratory Medicine Practice Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Monitoring of Thyroid Disease). Late in 2002, this group reported that: "In the future, it is likely that the upper limit of the serum TSH euthyroid reference range will be reduced to 2.5 mIU/L because >95% of rigorously screened normal euthyroid volunteers have serum TSH values between 0.4 and 2.5 mIU/L."
More recently, researchers have looked at an important question: If the normal TSH range were narrowed, as has been recommended by AACE and the National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry, what are the implications?
One study found that using a TSH upper normal range of 5.0, approximately 5% of the population is hypothyroid.
However, if the upper portion of the normal range was lowered to 3.0, approximately 20% of the population would be hypothyroid. Implications for Patients
It's almost four years since the experts have established that this new, narrower TSH normal range of 0.3 to 3.0 is a more accurate one, and recommended that it become the standard of practice. Yet, the dithering continues. Some doctors use the new range for diagnosis and therapeutic management -- others refuse to consider anything unless it's marked "High" or "Low" on laboratory reports.
Patients can arm themselves with copies of the AACE and National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry reports, educate their practitioners, and patronize those doctors who stay up on the research, and leave behind those doctors who stick their heads in the sand and refuse to recognize millions of undiagnosed, undertreated people with hypothyroidism.
More Information on the Controversy
Getting there 6th July 2007
If you have no interest in Thyroid issues stop now or you will be bored shitless.
I have been back to the doc and have had my latest readings which were 53. to help you understand I have to get my levels to under 3. however I feel a lot better than I did and once my levels are back to normal I can see where I am at.
The thing I have learnt and am still learning is that every person should be treated as to how they are feeling not as per what some book says. So my advice is to become well educated about the condition
good place to check out is
http://thyroid.about.com/od/gettestedanddiagnosed/a/normaltshlevel.htm.Once you have a good idea of all the facts start to help yourself. This is what I have done
1) As I became a bit of a fat git, I was worried about my weight and my first instinct was to get on a diet and exercise my butt off….NO don’t
first priority is to get your Hypo under control. What you need to do regarding food is to support your thyroid….. (Sounds like a campaign) discover what foods help the thyroid like mushrooms, green peppers sea food, seaweed (don’t knock it until you try it).
There are many foods that you need to look at and the main clue is the iodine
a good site for this is
http://www.whfoods.org/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=130 . Also allow yourself to re-try foods that in the past you disliked. If the body requires certain foods you will be surprised how suddenly you like a food that is rich in a certain mineral. I guess what I am saying is to listen to your own body.
Also discover foods that you should avoid like broccoli and cabbage. Also foods that contain selenium (What can high-selenium foods do for you) which enable your thyroid to produce thyroid hormone and help lower your risk of joint inflammation. Anyhow you get the gist KNOWLEDGE IS POWER. Oh and of course eat sensibly
2) Exercise therapeutically do things that exercise the mind as well as the body. I was tempted to go to the Gym and wobble on a running machine but no I went out to the woods or along the river and took brisk walks. And let my mind take in the countryside. Take your kids, grandkids, boyfriend, girlfriend, lover, best friend, anyone that makes you happy. You see the thyroid is linked to your adrenal gland that is controls your stress, it is your “fight or flight” mechanism. So again you need to support this by your life style and diet.
3) When people ask you “How are you” we know that they don’t really want to know….tell them. Everyone who asks me “how are you Jack” Gets it song and verse. I want people around me to know how shite I have felt and what a struggle I have to get back to normal. I tend to use the analogy that if they drove there car at 20 miles an hour but kept it in fifth gear that is how my body feels. So don’t be brave and tell people how shit you feel.
Things can only get better 9th july 2007
[ July is the name of a month and must always have a capital letter. ]
Again If you are not interested in thyroid problems dont read this crap...but Maybe one day!!!!
Well what do ya know?
I have upped my meds to 150 and at last I am starting to feel better. I am sure that it is not just the meds but the fact that I have learnt so much about the bloody thing. I have been supporting the thyroid by eating the right food and avoiding the bad. This has started to impact on things.
To re-cap before I had been diagnosed I had the following symptoms.
1) My cholesterol was 10.6
2) I had bad head aches….but at the back of my head!!!???
3) I had a swollen tongue that I kept biting and had ulcers from it.
4) I was snoring badly (Wife would beat me with pillow
5 I fell asleep everywhere Sooooooooo tired
6) I had breathing problems, could not take a full breath
7) I was depressed and was crying at any sad shit on the telly ( wife thought it was grit in the eye
8) Very bad back ache
9 felt the cold fingers were very cold
10) Carpel tunnel syndrome….sore bloody hands to be exact.
11 sore joints and constant cramps
12) Forgetting everything thought I was getting alzheimer’s
13) Put on loads of weight but hey I was so levothyroxine I didn’t give a shit.
14) EVERYTHING made me angry. Wife was working out how much money she would get after the divorce.
After I saw the doc I was put on 50 microgrammes of levothyroxine. I told the doc that I felt shite but hey I was a big tough bloke and did not need to be sick from work……went home, took pills and carried on going to work…..3 days later felt like death gave into the dammed thing, went to bed and decided….Hey best you learn to live with this.
Next blood test, TSH 100. Not good, Meds upped to 100 micrograms and hey I googled the word Thyroid to death and found out a shit load of stuff.
After a week felt a load better but still had
1) my cholesterol was 10.6
2) I had a swollen tongue that I kept biting and had ulcers from it.
3) I was snoring badly ( Wife would beat me with pillow
4) Felt tired. But not all the time
5) I was depressed but only cried at the really sad stuff
6) Carpel tunnel syndrome….hands were pins and needles
7) Sore joints
8) Forgetting some things
9) Stabilized my weight but remain a fat git but hey I know why now.
10) Still get angry but am much better…Kids starting to think that I can be fun again.
After about 3 weeks I stopped improving and was a bit frustrated as I knew I needed more med. Took some time of work and took care of myself, started to eat the right things….not bothered about diet until my levels are back to normal. Hurray!!! Blood test and back to the doc. My TSH is down to 53 and I now know more about this thyroid shit than the doc will ever know…..to be fair she is bloody good and she states that she will treat me and my symptoms rather than go by what the medical books state. Also she takes on board the facts that I tell her….yep I am lucky to have a doc who is willing to work with and for me…. Still after 10 mins I sense she is looking at the clock and wants me out so she can see the next patient….this re-enforces the fact that I need to do this myself. I am also back at work and have told the boss that I need TLC and that everyone needs to be patient until I get better….Oh yeah.. everyone regrets asking me how I am as I tell them the ins and outs of everything and let them know how bad it is….I will not be the person who says when asked “ How are you” “ Oh Fine thanks” When I suffer everyone will know…
Still my meds are raised to 150microgrammes and after a week I feel much better. Almost cheerful. The symptoms I have now are.
1) My cholesterol is still high but will be checked again at next blood test
2) I had a swollen tongue that I keep biting and have ulcers from it. Bloody annoying…Grrrrrr
4) I get tired but not to badly
5) I am still a bit depressed but hey I know why so who gives a stuff
6) Carpel tunnel syndrome….hands were pins and needles. A bit worried about this.
7) Joints ache a bit
8) Forgetting some things
9) Stabilized my weight but remain a fat git but hey I know why now.
10) Not so angry Kids starting to think that I am a great Dad.
So there you go it is all coming together and I am seeing the doc again in 2 weeks if you have been arsed to read any of this and want to know anything or ask me about the thyroid issue please contact me and I will try to help there are a lot of issues that I have thought about….for one smoking and the under active thyroid…….how many of you gave up smoking and then not long after found you had this condition…..I have a theory….
I will ramble on again sometime. Mainly because this helps me and gets things of my chest. Bye till next time,
Still more changes 15th July 2007
Well here I am on 150 micrograms and I am starting to feel better…..BUT the job I do is shift work and I have to say that it is not conducive to an under active thyroid. So I have decided to change my role and cut out night work and constant shift change. .I have to concede that I have to get my body stabilized and take care of myself….part of me says bollocks I am not going to give into this…this has been my attitude to most hurdles throughout my life. However the difference with this is that it has nothing to do with mental attitude, it is all about your chemical make up so you are stuffed if you try to go against it. So I am doing what I said I would do and listen to what MY BODY TELLS ME….that happens to be stop bloody shift work… at the end of October I am going away for 2 weeks physiotherapy. Which I hope will help….still I will let you know. More blood tests next week and perhaps higher doses of the meds.. I will let you know.
Shout out Loud 20th july 2007
Not much changed as I awaiting my next blood test, I think they will have to increase my meds as I still feel like crap….Now here’s the thing. I said that we should tell everyone about how bad we feel and that we should tell everyone about our condition….well I certainly have practised what I preached. Every time I pass someone who says the obligatory “How are you” or “Alright!!!?? “ I say “no”,” I feel awful”…. I feel a bit guilty as I watch their face drop and stop in their tracks as they try to suddenly look as if they actually meant what they said….I watch the beads of sweat appear as they say tentatively…”Oh what’s wrong”…. GOTTCHA!!. I then let them have it both barrels symptoms, diagnosis, prognoses….they then manage to get away after 15 minutes and I can almost hear them making a mental note of how to avoid me in the future …at best ….not asking how I am.
Why do I mention this…well I have found an unexpected consequence? …I was approached by one of the ladies from the control room who I knew by sight and In passing.
She came up to me and straight away asked me about my thyroid stuff and added “ “Thank you for telling everyone about your problems” It turns out she has been Hypothyroid for years and has had her good and bad days etc. However some of the people she works with have started asking how she was and offering her encouragement and sympathy. Which she found strange as no-one had shown any interest before.
She asked one of them “why the sudden interest” and was told “ well I knew that you had some sort of thyroid problem but didn’t realise how bad it can make you” “ It was only by talking to jack that I realised what you were going through”
Since then I have been thanked by various people for spreading the word so to speak. I have had husbands who have gone home to their wives, telling them that “Guess what, old Jack Frost has got what you have, but he must have it worse than you” Having then gone on to tell them what I droned on about and how it affected my every waking moment. The wife broke down in tears and explained “You stupid git” “That’s how I have felt” his story is my story”. Consequently the husband has tracked me down, thanked me and has quizzed me on every aspect of the complaint…and his relationship with his wife has much improved….Oh and just so you know he feels a complete bastard for not understanding”. Do you know…. (DUHHHH! Sorry of course you ladies know) most husbands boyfriends dads have no idea how this condition affects people.
So I guess what I am saying is what I said from the start when people ask “how are you” or” how’s it been”. Do the MANLY thing….. Moan groan whinge and whine and tell everyone how shit you feel……… ladies I beg of you....... be a man.
Don’t forget Knowledge is power
Our Carers!!!??? 26th july 2007
Well had my bloods and cholesterol done today I will get the results on the 1st August,
anyhow that’s not why I write.
It struck me that lots of people don’t realise that their nearest and dearest are in fact carers.
Let me explain. My dear wife has had several spine operations to correct her scoliosis (curvature of the spin) and has ended up with chronic pain and registered disabled. I have been her carer for the last 6 years.
Now as a carer I can shed some light on a few things. It can be quite exhausting and with little thanks as the carer is the whipping post for the Patient…I don’t mind that but what has always got to me …and forgive if this sounds selfish….whenever people phone or speak to me at work or at school or anywhere they always ask me “how is Karen” never do, or did they ask “how are you” they would not understand that as well as doing a full days work I would then get home and sort out the kids and the Ironing and the packed lunches for the next day…..On my days off I would have do the house work mow the lawn, do the shopping etc. I did not mind doing any of this but just once, I would have liked for someone to have asked “How are you doing”.
This has actually been a good lesson that has helped me in my job as a police officer , because when I speak to victims and injured people I will always turn to their nearest and dearest and ask “ How are you doing” “do you need any help” and I would talk to them with my perspective of being a carer.
So I guess that what I am trying to tell you is ..yes ok, we are and have been having a shite time with our thyroid problems and yes we feel terrible etc…. but every now and then let us all stop and think about the loved ones who have put up with our symptoms….you know the bad temper…the snapping at them for no reason… the falling asleep….the emotional mess that we are/were in….the rejection in the bedroom as we had/have no sex drive….
One day soon…today…. tomorrow…..next week even, turn to that person and give them a big hug and just say “Thank you”. “Thank you for all you have done” when your out and people ask you how you are include the fact that your carer your loved one has been a rock..
I was, and am a carer …believe me just the one word of thanks, the one word of acknowledgement makes all the difference.
Don’t forget knowledge is power
Getting Better!!! 1st August 2007
Well I went to the doc’s today. I had booked a double appointment and I was armed with a list of questions that I wanted to ask. The one hic-up was that the doctor I had been seeing was on extended leave, and I was going to see the Locum….Hmmmmm.
Well I went in and sat down, “ How can I help you”……not a good start, here I was having spent the last few weeks still battling this condition and counting down the days till I could see the doc to find out my latest levels, and I get “ How can I help You”….not her fault I suppose as I am just another patient to get in and out the door…lots of others to see…..she is not to know how this thing has turned my life upside down, she not to know that I have been feeling crap for a long long time. After all it is just the good old thyroid problem….common as muck….easily sorted out!!!! Eh!.
“I have come for my latest results”…notice I am calm and not lost my rag…however she gives me a funny look and I think she senses that I am not a happy bunny.
Ok first off, my T4, the latest levels are…16.6… great the normal levels are between 11.5 -22.7, i want to be nearer 22... but.....anyhow, great!!.
Now for the dreaded TSH last time they were 53.6…....TSH 14.80…..great!! the normal levels should be between 0.3 and 3, again I want to be under 2….I know the British normal levels are between 0.35 and 5,5 but I am going with the latest info.
The doc turns to me and says “Your T4 is normal so things are ok…….in my head I shouted…. “Ok….....F*&(^%$%£% Ok…… I’m nowhere near Ok”….but I remained calm if maybe a little ruffled.
I tersely explain the arrangement that I had come to with my regular doc…that she would treat the symptoms and not go by figures….she would treat me as an individual and not as part of the Thyroid herd….
To be fair the Locum sensed that I was miffed and then we had a good chat I explained the symptoms that I still had and that I was still very much hypothyroid…
I then asked about my cholesterol.. I was dreading this as the first time I went to the doc it was because my level was 10.6 and that is way bad.
At the time they had wanted to start me on medication at once… but I refused as I wanted to know what had made it so high …hence the Thyroid discovery….even then they wanted to give me drugs for the cholesterol as well as the thyroxin but I said no, as I would then be on TWO types of meds for the rest of my life….fortunately when I got to see my regular doc she went along with it…..
So today’s level…….5.6 mmol/L again…. bloody great, normal is under 5. So by being firm about my own treatment and having a doctor that actually listened I saved myself a life time of meds..
One worrying aspect is that my antibody reading is 2588 iu/ml it should be between 0 and 100… this means my anti bodies are attacking its own body. Which is a sign of hashimoto’s? ….Hmmmmm more research needed.
I then hit her with my list of questions ….which I wont bore you with but suffice to say that the doctor realised that I had learnt probably much more that she knew about the complaint, again to be fair she turned out to be very good and we had a good discussion about all my symptoms…..I told her that I felt that I was suffering from “adrenal fatigue” and I could see that she was not convinced… but it was agreed that we would have a look at this when I have my next bloods….My meds have been increased to 200mg…I am a bit worried that this is a bit high ..I would have liked to have gone up to 175 first, but hey I know the signs of going Hyper, so I will keep a close eye on it.
So…. there you go, all my levels are going the right way and by educating myself about my thyroid my doctor had to listen….the figures all made sense to me and I could help her to help me.
OK …She probably thinks I am a bit of an arrogant sod, but I want the right treatment so I will continue to fight my corner…also getting a double appointment was a great move. She wasn’t clock watching and I had time to go over all the things that I wanted to know.
So my top tips are
1) Between visits as you think of something write it down and take the list with you
Book a double appointment
2) Educate yourself about the complaint
3) Don’t take any S*^T from your doc,
4) You are an individual…. you are suffering…. you deserve the BEST treatment.
5) It is important to stick with the same doc
We know there are others worse off than us…..but that doesn’t help me….
Remember power…. IS…. knowledge.
Ode to the Thyroid 3rd August 2007
The thyroid is a funny thing
wrapped inside your neck
I’m strong I’m tough I’m young and bold
so thyroid…..what the heck
It won’t stop me from doing well
and living life in full
It’s such a tiny little thing
who said it had to rule
I don’t see why I feel so cold
my fingers hurt like mad
I don’t see why I feel fatigue
why is it so so bad
Why is that I fall asleep
at every given chance
The muscle cramps the tired legs
the sickly looking stance
I would get help for all these things
but my memory lets me down
I'm going mad it’s just not fair
I forgot the way to town
My minds a fuzz my hair is thin
my nails a breaking fast
The lack of hair around my eyes
gives everyone a laugh
Please doctor can you help me now
as I really feel so sad
You call me in and look away
you think I’m going mad
The test are taken all sent off,
now its time to wait
At last there is a reason
something I can hate
And hate you very much I do
for months of grief and strife
For all the days you made me bad
to both my kids and wife
You will not win this battle now
as I have all the facts
But hell it’s hard to fight this thing
and get myself on track
So all of you both young and old
take heed and listen good
You can’t ignore your body’s voice
even if you could
Oh so fast things slow down
you don’t see what it is
Your thyroids got you by your throat
yes you! Not mine, not his
Still On Track 15th August 2007
Well its 2 weeks on from my increase to 200 micrograms, and a lot of my original symptoms are gone or going. I am left with two main things now
1) Carpel tunnel syndrome, it has not got a lot better, but I am sure that is because of some water retention I have, I am hoping that as I lose weight it will go.
2) the sore throat it is like having a miniature Phlegm machine at the back of my throat and it is uncomfortable….sort of like when your tonsils are just starting to inflame…except I have no tonsils. Very odd feeling. Again I suspect that it is caused by a slight goitre and hopefully this should go.
I still suffer fatigue which is not surprising as I have worked out that I was Hyperthyroid for about 2 years on a sliding scale. It will take awhile to get my body back to normal.
What defiantly helps is if you can get decent nights sleep which I want more of.
As for the weight gain I am not trying to lose the excess just yet, I have not put anymore on and I am eating food that supports my glands and helps to recover. I will make a concerted effort to lose weight after my next trip to the docs. My levels should be around normal …..We will see. I will then start to increase my fitness and stamina I am looking to be back to my old self sometime in the spring……slowly…slowly is the best way.
I am of on a 2 week break and I intend to get lots of rest and if the weathers good some direct sunshine vitamin D.
I have continued to read everything I can about this complaint and am lining up a list of questions for the doc,
I hope that those of you who have just started out on this thyroid roundabout are setting up your stalls to fight and get back to normal and those of you that are further down the line pass on your tips and lessons learnt so the rest of us can progress faster
Knowledge is definitely the way!!!
Back to my Thyroid
for those who have no interest in tyroid problems look away now.
i can't believe how better I have started to feel and for all you who have had thyroid problems or know someone who has. you will understand how bad it gets.
anyhow just a short up date on my latest trip to the doc
Well hurray things are getting better. my latest results are
TSH 1.40 mu/L (very good and normal)
saw the doctor and we are both pleased with my progress although I was a bit put out that she did not test my T3 levels. I have only a few issues left
Carpel tunnel syndrome (tingly and sore hands)
Tarsal tunnel syndrome (tingly and sore Feet)
And a swollen tongue and throat (Keep biting my tongue Grrrrrr)
However I am sure all this is caused by water retention and I need a diuretic to sort it out. I am going to see an endocrinologist with regards to this and have a discussion around my T3 levels and the fact I told my doc that I want my Meds supplemented by 10 mg of T3.
Trouble is with your GP when you get into the ins and outs of thyroid problems their eyes just glaze over
So things are good I feel 85% and a lot of that has been through understanding the complaint and by eating the right food.
My weight has gone down however I have not been dieting as it is pointless until you sort out your vitamins and minerals and help your body get over the trauma it has had
I am having 2 weeks of physiotherapy at the end of October and I am to losen up every muscle I have so that I can start training. I wont go on a diet as I have worked out the spectrum of foods that I need and together with exercise my weight will drop.
So there you have it, life is on the up and soon I wont have to suffer from the old git syndrome
Remember no-one is going to beat this for you, you have to take charge and sort it yourself and help the doctors to understand your battle and help you win it
If they won’t….GET ANOTHER DOCTOR.
As always knowledge is power
Still things to sort out 10th October 2007
I have got an appointment with the endocrinologist in December and before that I have got 2 weeks concentrated physio and treatment as I was lucky to have paid into a scheme over the last 20 years that pays for the treatment...I have concentrated on supporting my adrenals and i have been eating liver kidneys and the like to give me some of the good stuff.
my tongue is not to swollen and I have stopped biting it so that’s a relief. The tingling in
[ too should be used here - this is one of the most common mistakes. Too is used to describe a lot of something, e.g. too much. The extra o is excess - remember that and you cant go wrong]
the hands and feet are slightly better so again a positive. i am still aware of the depression i have but I suppose knowing what has caused it helps the thing is that if i mention it at the docs their only solution is to give me anti depressants.. No way i have had quite a few people send me E-Mails and I am glad to have offered some people some help but I think that the best help anyone can give is to let people know that your not alone. People like Usksider , tealady and faffajane know what I mean.
Again I will bring this matter up from time to time because the people you know with this condition (and I suspect some who keep it to themselves) keep quite because they know that their friends don’t understand well I want anyone reading this to do just that Understand. I have put all the thyroid stuff on a third blog as one complete story if you know people who are just setting out on their thyroid journey point them in my direction.
Lastly if anyone has got to the end of this post please check out Mark he also has had a bad time and is about to tell his story could you pop in on him and just say hi every now and then
by jackfrost @ Friday, 19. Oct, 2007 - 10:16:53
Again for those of you that have no interest in thyroid matters avert your eyes and skip this...i make no apologise for banging on about things but I get frustrated that there are so many people who have settled for second best treatment. not just with regard to thyroid stuff but for medical complaints in general...We don’t have to take it and we have the means to empower our selves...the Internet...
Knowledge IS power
Well I went back to the doc, with regards to the joint and muscle pain that I have got…to be fair this is quite common and in some people it goes away, in others they see the joint/muscle pains as a side effect to put up way…here is a quote from someone who has had the condition for 4 years..
“I've grown accustomed to the muscle pain, aches and twinges and still manage to exercise without pushing myself too far. Initially I thought I'd never feel 'normal' again, but I accept that I have to make allowances and I don't let it get me down.”
NO we shouldn’t have to “put up” with anything unless everything that can be done has been done. You see the doctor for five minutes and if your TSH ( Thyroid simulating hormone) level are in the “Zone” then that’s you out the door come back in 6 months….Crap!!
Where was I oh yes…I went to the doc and asked him what he was going to do about the pains and stuff. He said that these were to be expected as it takes time ..so I said "could it be the start of rheumatoid arthritis?", "or could it be that my T3 levels were not right"….he said he didn’t think so…I said "If you tell me it defiantly isn’t then I’ll go away"…he said "well no I cant say that". I asked him if there were test he could do to find out and with regards to the pains could he give me anti inflammatory for it and was there any harm in doing so
The end result is that I am going in on Tuesday to have 5,different blood test and I am on an anti inflammatory. which I have been taking for two days and I feel better already….yes I know that could be psychological…but I do! and if the pain goes I can do some decent training which will help me lose weight which in turn will ease the pressure on my joints which will help me train and exercise more..
The test might come back negative I accept that, but at least I will know what it isn’t…and that’s the thing if you keep eliminating the things it isn’t then eventually your left with the things it must be. but tests cost money….but so what I have paid my National insurance for 37 years. I have paid my dues so I should get as many tests as I need.
I am annoyed with doctors in general as it frustrates me that when you go to see them (for the 5 -10 minutes your allowed before your rushed out of the door) they give you this feeling that you are an inconvenience and if you start questioning them they can get quite put out, and I guess to a lot of people they are …intimidating…
They must hate the internet, as you can quote so much about your illness and invariably because you have found out so much you tend to no more about it than they do…..and of course they will tell you that whatever you found out is wrong…Pah.! I can understand why more people are starting to self medicate now….not that I have got to that stage yet.
How many of you have gone to the doc feeling unwell and left feeling fobbed off, how many of you have left feeling intimidated by the doctor. And how many of you still feel unwell but have accepted the situation because the doctor has told you to?
Well go back and demand that they help you to get better. Doctors need to start..or should I say go back to listening to their patients and helping them…..accept that we will research the complaint, and listen to our suggestions and guide us to the correct diagnoses and allow us to help them to give us the treatment we deserve..
The journey continues.
jackfrost @ Saturday, 10. Nov, 2007 - 20:37:31
Well…I have been away for 2 weeks and it was great… I received physio and hydro therapy and I spent a lot of time in the pool and sauna….what was the result of all this…well my carpel and tarsal tunnel symptoms have gone the water retention in my legs is now just minimal and there are no signs of the depression…Oh and no more biting my tongue which is soooooooo good. I was biting it about 3 or 4 times a day…which was due to it being swollen…
So a worthwhile trip…exercise is defiantly a must for this condition…I know that you may not feel like it but my advice is get to your local pool and get swimming and I will help a lot….I will be going to the docs in the next 2 weeks and I will have another blood test which I think will show that I am going towards overactive!!! If I am.. it will mean a reduction of my meds..which can only be good but I will have to see….so what have I got left, symptom wise…well still have the weird throat feeling …like the start of a sore throat and a hoarse voice…I still sometimes run out of voice!!!weird feeling. Excess weight…that is my next goal, I have a plan and an idea which I will start on Monday and I intend to lose 4 stone by next April…
Oh by the way if any of you see a site selling a so called book “The SECRET CURE for Hypothyroidism” IT IS A SCAM>>>A CON….DONT FALL FOR IT
Thought I should mention that as I hope no-one sends of any money …if you do you will be paying out loads of cash for nothing.
Anyhow I will see what my next results are and get back to those of you who have an interest…oh another thing that I have mentioned before and that is make sure that you take the same brand of thyroxin every time as different manufactures have different strengths. Some time soon I will write a bit about all the things that I believe have helped me….still a way to go yet, but knowledge is power.
jackfrost @ Thursday 29th Nov, 2007 - 20:37:31
Well went to the doc today for my blood test results and it was as I expected….My TSH is 0.5 and my T4 Is 25….this means I am now Hyperthyroid….Sigh!! I thought some of the symptoms were creeping back...still the good thing is that I can reduce my meds down to 125mg…I have not got the results of my T3 yet so I will have to wait for that.
I have continued going to the pool and it is defiantly the best way to sort out any oedema that you have…just go into the deepest part of the pool you can manage and just do some stretches on your legs and then have a good swim…. Also once my levels get even and steady I will have to go to the opticians as my eyes seem to get affected by whatever the level is…drives me nuts..
So just a short update…I am still quite happy with my progress and now the doc is working with me things are getting better…I have a visit to an endocrinologist in Dec so I will see what they think …
My name is Jack Frost and I was diagnosed Hypothyroid in may. It is likely that It is due to Hashimoto's Thyroiditis .
I have been sharing my jpurney via a blog and it has been quite cathartic.
Mary Shomon was kind enough to feature it on her site
but that is not why I write.
You see I did not recognise the symptoms of the thyroid problem for quite a while. I was a police officer working earlies, lates and nights..with young children and a disabled wife, not withstanding I was into my fifties. I just thought I was suffering what I called old git syndrome.
Having spoken to the endocrinologist it seems apparent that I was hypothyroid for anything up to 4 years on a sliding scale.
Now this is where I start to get to my point.
Last January I gave up smoking. I had been a smoker since I was 15 years old and I had tried many times to give up, suddenly I found that I could give up cold turkey with no problem at all. In fact I wanted to give up.
It was later that I got very bad with the hypothyroidism and got into a very bad way.
Now I have since learned that quite a few people have given up smoking and then some months later been diagnosed with hypothyroidism. There was a theory that it was the giving up smoking that caused the illness to develop, I have a different theory.
Like I said there is no doubt that I was Hypo for some time, and believe that it was the hypothyroidism that made me give up smoking, maybe it was because of the high TSH, or the low T4, or even the high antibodies. I don’t know. But I am sure it was the hypo that made me just not want ton smoke anymore.
Right, nearly there. I attended the local GP quit smoking clinic where I spoke to the nurse and we discussed the different aids that could help me give up, I went because for the first time in my life I had lost my desire to smoke. And indeed I had no need of patches or anything I was just able to stop.
So one thing I am sure of, if when I attended the stop smoking clinic that most GP’S now run, had I been tested for Hypothyroidism, I would nit have got as bad as I did. IF My theory was correct it could be such a good idea to contact GP’S and ask then to get the stop smoking clinic to have a Performa that they could get the patients to fill out when they attended the form would be a tick box that would cover all the symptoms of Hypothyroidism, if then the patient showed a significant amount of symptoms a TSH teat could be done and If they were hypo they could receive earlier treatment than they would have had if the symptoms had not been recognised.
So a simple form in the stop smoking clinic at every GP could cath hypothyrpid suffers at a much earlier stage.
My endocrinologist thinks my theory is credible and will take it to her peers she asked me to put this suggestion to yourselves as she believes that you have a powerful voice and would be able to push forward my suggestion.
So there you have it, I have no proof of what I have said but I am sure that for me that I would have benefited from an earlier diagnoses.
I hope you will consider my suggestion and if viable will help me to take it forward agfter[ Slipped fingers causing additional letters in the word after. ]
all it is only the cost of a questionnaire in each clinic.
Jack Frost
2007-12-20 @ 22:28:06
thyroid stuff
I have been to see the endocrinologist and things seem to be going ok I have felt much better on the 175Mg and all the symptoms bar one have gone.
This is the issue with the throat. I still have a sore throat and it is red raw at times and I still seem to have a phlegm making machine at the back of my throat. But there could be an explanation for this.
Because I have put on weight and have extra weight around my neck. When I go to sleep I snore a lot, this grates on my throat causing soreness. Also I am suffering sleep apnoea, which causes me to stop breathing in my sleep and therefore I wake myself to start again, this combined with the snoring means that I get sod all sleep which accounts for my being tired all the time.
So I need to lose weight which will help stop-the snoring. I have been referred to another consultant regarding the sleep apnoea.. However I am convinced this will stop when I loser some weight.
So there you have it the journey continued and I am getting better each day. Keep researching and never forget knowledge is power
by jackfrost @ 2008-09-02 - 12:11:20
it’s been about 15 months since my thyroid was diagnosed and where am I now??…well I have to say in a pretty good place. It took about 10 months to get to the right level of thyroxin I have ended up on 175mg and my bloods are stable. It took some work to rid myself of all the symptoms and I guess I have just a little to do.
After a year I was left with sore throat and my own phlegm making machine which was very irritating …and sore joints, I felt like a 80 year old. I read all I could and when I went back to the doc I asked him first about my throat.
I had read that it was possible to get a deep tissue infection that needed powerful antibiotics to get rid of it. Having read about the drugs I did not fancy it but I did want to have a go at normal penicillin as I always react well to it.
Also for my joints I asked if he would put me on a course of a suitable anti inflammatory drug. As this would ease my joints enabling me to exercise without pain and in turn build up the muscles around my joints which in turn would ease the stiffness. And then I can stop the drug and continue to exercise properly.
Well he agreed and both had a good effect my throat is much much better and my joints are much easier. I need to exercise more to liven up the muscles around them.
I have set a realistic goal of 2 years to be 100% back to normal and I am just about there.
For loads of you out there I understand the frustration that you have but you need to do a lot for yourself
The main concern for a lot of people is the weight gain and for many it is the immediate priority to get it off. Now here’s the thing. As your body has been denied many of the hormones and good stuff it wants to keep everything going a diet is the last thing you need to do. Besides it wont work until your levels are back to normal.
So you need to feed your body with the biggest variety of different food you can think of. Don’t go taking multivits ..how do you know what your body wants or when. So you need to start eating loads of different stuff, we all settle into the same routine we buy the stuff we like and the brand we like till we are eating the same thing week in week out.
When you go shopping for food start to look at picking different vegetables buy a different variety of cabbage have spinach one day aubergine (Eggplant) the next
Research the super foods. Remember how gran used to sniff the food she handled, well laugh if you like but try it and suddenly you will buy things that you haven’t done before ..why? Well it is the same theory as with pregnant women they crave for things the body needs and the body knows where to get it. By handling your fruit and veg and smelling it your body will tell you if it wants what is in it…laugh if you like but I have bought items that I have not eaten for years, mangos leeks, to name a couple, farmers markets are good for this…oh and try ostrich meat top stuff!
For breakfast have a cereal but add a mix of walnut Brazil nut, Goji berries cranberries, sunflower seed pine nuts etc. Find out what is in the stuff you eat;
for instance,
(Goji berries are an extremely nutrient-dense fruit. They contain 18 amino acids (six times higher than bee pollen) including all 8 essential amino acids. Goji berries contain up to 21 trace minerals (the main ones being zinc, iron, copper, calcium, germanium, selenium, and phosphorus) and are the richest source of carotenoids, including beta-carotene (more beta carotene than carrots), of all known foods or plants on earth! They contain 500 times the amount of vitamin C, by weight, than oranges making them second only to camu camu berries as the richest vitamin C source on earth.
Goji berries also contain vitamins B1, B2, B6, and vitamin E.
Mature fruits contain about 11 mg or iron per 100 grams, beta-sisterol (an anti-inflammatory agent), linoleic acid (a fatty acid), sesquiterpenoids (cyperone, solavetivone), tetraterpenoids (zeaxanthin, physalin), and betaine (0.1%).
If you are concerned about volume get a juicer and juice carrots, apples pears, oranges, cucumber, any mixture you fancy this helps the get vitamins and goodness into your system and at the same time gives your digestive system a rest,
Work with your doctor, find out all you can and help them to help you, I speak to so many people that get diagnosed and get given the thyroxin and never ask any questions, they don’t know what there levels are they are always tired and when they go to the doc they just accept what they say never telling them that their lives are a constant battle with pain and depression.
And to be fair to the doctors, they only know what the books say they wont do anything else unless you guide them you need to go to your appointment armed with information, you need to understand what the readings of your TSH, T4, T3, T1, T2, B12, Cholesterol, understand what the antibodies are doing to your system Be aware that you are now susceptible to other auto immune diseases like Vitiligo. Rheumatoid arthritis, Diabetes and guard against the onset of these and the many others that are around.
You need bespoke treatment we are all different and we will all need to be trested differently.
Exercise is also a key if you can’t go to the gym if you have joint problems go to the pool not to swim but to exercise. Again find out what will help you
So I guess I am saying is work with your doctor and get of your backside and help your self and if by chance you are a partner of someone with thyroid problems well you get off your backside and find out how to help.
Guys I have always said knowledge Is power and that Positive things happen to positive people.
Never give in to illness. It is as important to find out what it isn’t as to find out what it is.
So that’s my up date for what it is worth and for those of you who have managed to read this far please help yourself..No-one is going to do it for you. And if it is any encouragement, I am 1000% better than 15 months ago and having given myself 2 years to get back …No!! ..Be better than normal, I am well on track
Take heart it can be good again like anything it just needs a bit of effort on your part.
Oh and if you have found something that works for you please share it
Knowledge is Power.
Jack Frost
by jackfrost Pro @ 2008-09-02 – 12:11:20
it’s been about 15 months since my thyroid was diagnosed and where am I now??…well I have to say in a pretty good place. It took about 10 months to get to the right level of thyroxin I have ended up on 175mg and my bloods are stable. It took some work to rid myself of all the symptoms and I guess I have just a little to do.
After a year I was left with sore throat and my own phlegm making machine which was very irritating …and sore joints, I felt like a 80 year old. I read all I could and when I went back to the doc I asked him first about my throat.
I had read that it was possible to get a deep tissue infection that needed powerful antibiotics to get rid of it. Having read about the drugs I did not fancy it but I did want to have a go at normal penicillin as I always react well to it.
Also for my joints I asked if he would put me on a course of a suitable anti inflammatory drug. As this would ease my joints enabling me to exercise without pain and in turn build up the muscles around my joints which in turn would ease the stiffness. And then I can stop the drug and continue to exercise properly.
Well he agreed and both had a good effect my throat is much much better and my joints are much easier. I need to exercise more to liven up the muscles around them.
I have set a realistic goal of 2 years to be 100% back to normal and I am just about there.
For loads of you out there I understand the frustration that you have but you need to do a lot for yourself
The main concern for a lot of people is the weight gain and for many it is the immediate priority to get it off. Now here’s the thing. As your body has been denied many of the hormones and good stuff it wants to keep everything going a diet is the last thing you need to do. Besides it wont work until your levels are back to normal.
So you need to feed your body with the biggest variety of different food you can think of. Don’t go taking multivits ..how do you know what your body wants or when. So you need to start eating loads of different stuff, we all settle into the same routine we buy the stuff we like and the brand we like till we are eating the same thing week in week out.
When you go shopping for food start to look at picking different vegetables buy a different variety of cabbage have spinach one day aubergine (Eggplant) the next
Research the super foods. Remember how gran used to sniff the food she handled, well laugh if you like but try it and suddenly you will buy things that you haven’t done before ..why? Well it is the same theory as with pregnant women they crave for things the body needs and the body knows where to get it. By handling your fruit and veg and smelling it your body will tell you if it wants what is in it…laugh if you like but I have bought items that I have not eaten for years, mangos leeks, to name a couple, farmers markets are good for this…oh and try ostrich meat top stuff!
For breakfast have a cereal but add a mix of walnut Brazil nut, Goji berries cranberries, sunflower seed pine nuts etc. Find out what is in the stuff you eat;
for instance,
(Goji berries are an extremely nutrient-dense fruit. They contain 18 amino acids (six times higher than bee pollen) including all 8 essential amino acids. Goji berries contain up to 21 trace minerals (the main ones being zinc, iron, copper, calcium, germanium, selenium, and phosphorus) and are the richest source of carotenoids, including beta-carotene (more beta carotene than carrots), of all known foods or plants on earth! They contain 500 times the amount of vitamin C, by weight, than oranges making them second only to camu camu berries as the richest vitamin C source on earth.
Goji berries also contain vitamins B1, B2, B6, and vitamin E.
Mature fruits contain about 11 mg or iron per 100 grams, beta-sisterol (an anti-inflammatory agent), linoleic acid (a fatty acid), sesquiterpenoids (cyperone, solavetivone), tetraterpenoids (zeaxanthin, physalin), and betaine (0.1%).
If you are concerned about volume get a juicer and juice carrots, apples pears, oranges, cucumber, any mixture you fancy this helps the get vitamins and goodness into your system and at the same time gives your digestive system a rest,
Work with your doctor, find out all you can and help them to help you, I speak to so many people that get diagnosed and get given the thyroxin and never ask any questions, they don’t know what there levels are they are always tired and when they go to the doc they just accept what they say never telling them that their lives are a constant battle with pain and depression.
And to be fair to the doctors, they only know what the books say they wont do anything else unless you guide them you need to go to your appointment armed with information, you need to understand what the readings of your TSH, T4, T3, T1, T2, B12, Cholesterol, understand what the antibodies are doing to your system Be aware that you are now susceptible to other auto immune diseases like Vitiligo. Rheumatoid arthritis, Diabetes and guard against the onset of these and the many others that are around.
You need bespoke treatment we are all different and we will all need to be trested differently.
Exercise is also a key if you can’t go to the gym if you have joint problems go to the pool not to swim but to exercise. Again find out what will help you
So I guess I am saying is work with your doctor and get of your backside and help your self and if by chance you are a partner of someone with thyroid problems well you get off your backside and find out how to help.
Guys I have always said knowledge Is power and that Positive things happen to positive people.
Never give in to illness. It is as important to find out what it isn’t as to find out what it is.
So that’s my up date for what it is worth and for those of you who have managed to read this far please help yourself..No-one is going to do it for you. And if it is any encouragement, I am 1000% better than 15 months ago and having given myself 2 years to get back …No!! ..Be better than normal, I am well on track
Take heart it can be good again like anything it just needs a bit of effort on your part.
Oh and if you have found something that works for you please share it
Knowledge is Power.
Jack Frost